
Idle Farming Business

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Become a gardener in this game

Idle Farming Business gives you an endless farm. The plants you plant will never wilt. You can collect gold coins from them continuously. Have fun!

Recreational activities such as fishing or planting trees help people reduce stress in life. However, not everyone has free time to go fishing or plant trees. So, online games like Tiny Fishing and Idle Farming Business were born. If you become a fisherman in Tiny Fishing, this farm game will turn you into a hardworking farmer. Upgrade your farm to gain a lot of profit.

Idle Farming Business Game Rules

You have 9 plots of land on a small farm. Each of these plots of land can grow a different type of plant. These plants can be potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. So what is your mission here? Let's find this out with me.

Collect gold coins

The above plants will not give you vegetables or fruits. You will harvest gold coins directly from them. Just click on these trees, you will harvest gold coins. Some plants need to be unlocked with gold. Of course, the trees will be more expensive later on, but their profits will be higher.

Upgrade the crops

What is the effect of upgrading the crops? Upgrading crops means you will increase their profit 3 times. This helps crops to produce more gold coins.

A few tips to earn a lot of coins in Idle Farming Business

Although upgrading crops is very important in improving profits, there are other ways to help you earn more gold.

Adjust the weather

You did not hear wrong. Adjusting the weather is allowed in this farm game. You can make it rain and shine. However, to be able to do this, you need to activate the clouds and the sun. Rain may last for a long time after each activation, but sunshine only lasts 20 seconds. Rain will make the harvest speed 2 times faster. Sunny weather will make you 2 times more profitable.

Complete how achievements

You will immediately be rewarded with a certain amount of gold after completing an achievement. For example, you can get 100k coins if you unlock 6 plots of land.